We Provide Professional Services Managing Your Assets
Aircraft Engineering and Consulting, Ltd. offers a wide range of engineering and technical support solutions. Our expertise lies in providing technical representations and auditing services to meet the needs of our clients.
We deliver the knowledge and skills necessary to address our client’s requirements. Our skilled group of professionals is assigned to each specialty (airframe, engines, APU, landing gear, and aircraft parts) and works closely with clients and project personnel to ensure full compliance with all lease requirements and industry standards.
We digitize technical records to industry-standard formats making sure all the documents are OCR’d and renamed per clients’ specific requirements and with the help of our software solutions, all documents are presented in a fashion where they can easily be accessed, reviewed, and integrated into their system. We ensure all files by storing and organizing them on a secure cloud-based platform with multiple backup systems.
At AEC, we are committed to providing comprehensive solutions that optimize efficiency, minimize operational challenges, and cost-effectiveness for our clients.
Manage Assets
AEC’s Aircraft Asset Management offers support services such as technical consulting and project management, regulatory compliance support and records management that effectively streamlines the day-to-day management and operational responsibilities of aircraft owners and lessors.
From managing the technical lease process for commercial aircrafts to proactively monitoring aircraft inspections and record reviews, AEC plays a significant role in streamlining management and operational responsibilities of aircraft owners and lessors.
Our experienced team of professionals ensures that assets remain compliant with safety regulations throughout their lifecycle, from initial acquisition to lease returns and deliveries, repossession, sales, and final disposition.
Protect Value
Our team understands the ever-changing market dynamics of aircraft leasing business. We at AEC are dedicated to protecting the value and safety of your aircraft assets.
We take pride in ensuring that your aircraft and related documentation are always in both an airworthy condition and meet ICAO and industry standards. You can trust us to provide comprehensive support that helps protect the value of your assets using our technical expertise based on hundreds of projects and years of experience all the time performing much deeper reviews in a cost saving manner.
Cost Effective
We’ve developed a unique system that allows us to attack a project head on! We utilize individual engineers (who are experts in their field) to work simultaneously to complete a full document review within the first two weeks of a project (of course this depends on the availability of aircraft documentation). All work periods are individually time and invoiced so once we’re finished with our review, we go off the clock! This means that you are only billed for actual time work is performed…there is no idle time a consultant is being paid.
With our reviews being performed ‘off-site’ you also have the advantage not having to endure travel costs throughout the project. We also utilize our ‘in country’ staff to support the on-site management of the project and based on each specific requirements would provide Manila staff for on-site visits.
This is all possible by using our Project Management Software (PMS) which allows all project members to interact in real time throughout the project regardless of their location or time zone.
Project Management System
Introducing the Project Management System (PMS) – your solution to modernized aircraft lease project management.
Say goodbye to outdated, confusing methods of managing Open Item Lists (OIL) during your aircraft lease events. With PMS, you can expect greater flow and transparency throughout the entire process.
With input from our users over the last 3 years, we’ve designed it with better UI/UX, and the latest industry standards to provide real-time data for informed decision-making. We have also designed our software to handle large files and link two events such as redelivery to delivery.
But that’s not all, we’ve also incorporated our propriety CAMO system where Airworthiness Directives (AD), Components (Hard Time and On Condition/Condition Monitored), Maintenance Planning Documents (MPD/LDND), and other actual maintenance tasks can be reviewed within the PMS. This translates to a deeper and more timely review process, which has been proven to result in cost savings.
The checklist used in PMS follows the latest IATA guidance material and best practices for aircraft leasing, but can also be customized based on your specific requirements.
Back to Birth
AEC provides comprehensive Back-to-Birth (BtB) reviews for Life Limited Components, such as engines and landing gears, based on IATA Guidelines for ‘LLP Traceability.’ Our review process covers transitions, repossessions, audits, proposed part replacements, MR reviews, and fleet asset management, ultimately ensuring airworthiness and enhancing asset value, which attracts potential buyers, lessees, and investors.
Our streamlined review process utilizes proprietary software with up-to-date manufacturer and regulatory data, eliminating errors from outdated information. This software generates trace documents (DFPs) for each part, enabling easy updates, replacements, and downloads. Identified issues are documented and accessible through shareable reports. Clients have project access to search, review, download, generate assembly portfolios, and track the review status.
Our ultimate aim is to provide a reliable and user-friendly system that ensures complete traceability and documentation for Life Limited Components, contributing to their overall value and attracting potential stakeholders in the aviation industry.
Computerized Lease Aircraft Maintenance Software (CLAMS)
Using our personally designed computerized maintenance software specifically for the aircraft lease industry, we can perform maintenance planning, review, and forecast maintenance requirement based on an unlimited number of clearing requirements. We use this to review Maintenance Reserve (MR) claims, End-of-Lease (EOL) check and Delivery check packages. We can also generate Bridging and all regular check packages. We do this using the latest MPD/AMP and the applicable regulations from EASA and FAA.
In addition to the tacking the maintenance program it also tracks Airworthiness Directives, Components (both Hard Time and On Condition), Modification (Major, Minor and Service Bulletins), and Dent and Buckle data. There is also a module which flight time can be entered (ferry and demonstration flights) which will update all flight hour/flight cycle data.
The system can generate a complete work package report for all check requirements including the Maintenance Status (LDND), Components, Airworthiness Directives, Service Bulletin/Modification and Dent/Buckle summaries.
The CLAMS system in linked with our Project Management System (PMS) whereas you can review the specific documentation, including compliance documents (DFP) and generate specific issues which then will be reflected in the PMS for that project personal to track.
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